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Your 4-month-old baby has progressed significantly since birth, reaching exciting physical and social milestones. Your little one probably lights up with smiles and coos whenever she sees you, so it is enjoyable for both of you to interact together. Spend time playing with your 4-month-old baby to create pleasant memories and to cement the parent-child bond that will continue throughout a lifetime.

Things You'll Need

  •  Hand-held toys (rattles and teethers)
  •  Shatterproof mirror
  •  Lightweight blanket
  •  Infant seat
  •  Musical toys
  •  Board books


  • Show your little one an interesting toy by holding it in front of him so he can see it. Talk to your baby, saying his name, while you shake the toy to illicit an engaging noise. Offer the toy to your baby by moving it where he can reach for and grasp it. Your 4-month-old is ready to work on eye-hand coordination by seeing objects and reaching for them, according to the MedlinePlus website. When he grasps the toy, give him lots of encouragement and praise.

  • Place your baby in front of a shatterproof mirror where she can see herself. Allow her to explore her reflection and talk to her while she watches herself.

  • Spread the lightweight blanket on the floor and place your baby on his tummy on the blanket for tummy time. Stay with your little one and interact with him to supervise tummy time. Shake rattles, sing songs and talk to your baby to make tummy time enjoyable. Strive to provide a minimum of 20 minutes of tummy time every day, advises the Mayo Clinic website.

  • Play peek-a-boo with your baby. With your baby sitting in an infant seat, hold the lightweight blanket between you and your baby so he cannot see you. Move the blanket away suddenly and say “Peek-a-boo!” It’s likely that your little one will squeal with joy. Continue the game for as long as your baby enjoys it.

  • Incorporate music into your play. Use a musical mobile or other hand-held baby toys that make music, suggests the Fisher-Price website. Press the musical buttons as you play with your baby. Sing or hum along with the tunes to help your baby learn that music is enjoyable.

  • Talk to your little one regularly throughout the day. Whenever you discern that he is in a happy mood, look for ways to play, even for just a moment or two. Sing little songs, play “this little piggy” with his toes or sit with him on your lap to read a short board book. Repeat the sounds your baby makes to have a “conversation” with him.

Things You'll Need

  •  Hand-held toys (rattles and teethers)
  •  Shatterproof mirror
  •  Lightweight blanket
  •  Infant seat
  •  Musical toys
  •  Board books


  • Show your little one an interesting toy by holding it in front of him so he can see it. Talk to your baby, saying his name, while you shake the toy to illicit an engaging noise. Offer the toy to your baby by moving it where he can reach for and grasp it. Your 4-month-old is ready to work on eye-hand coordination by seeing objects and reaching for them, according to the MedlinePlus website. When he grasps the toy, give him lots of encouragement and praise.

  • Place your baby in front of a shatterproof mirror where she can see herself. Allow her to explore her reflection and talk to her while she watches herself.

  • Spread the lightweight blanket on the floor and place your baby on his tummy on the blanket for tummy time. Stay with your little one and interact with him to supervise tummy time. Shake rattles, sing songs and talk to your baby to make tummy time enjoyable. Strive to provide a minimum of 20 minutes of tummy time every day, advises the Mayo Clinic website.

  • Play peek-a-boo with your baby. With your baby sitting in an infant seat, hold the lightweight blanket between you and your baby so he cannot see you. Move the blanket away suddenly and say “Peek-a-boo!” It’s likely that your little one will squeal with joy. Continue the game for as long as your baby enjoys it.

  • Incorporate music into your play. Use a musical mobile or other hand-held baby toys that make music, suggests the Fisher-Price website. Press the musical buttons as you play with your baby. Sing or hum along with the tunes to help your baby learn that music is enjoyable.

  • Talk to your little one regularly throughout the day. Whenever you discern that he is in a happy mood, look for ways to play, even for just a moment or two. Sing little songs, play “this little piggy” with his toes or sit with him on your lap to read a short board book. Repeat the sounds your baby makes to have a “conversation” with him.

Because babies grow so quickly, their development can change weekly. At four months, babies continue to build on skills they've already mastered, and they begin to master new ones, such as tracking and supported standing. Development varies baby to baby, so each baby might not master the typical four-month skills at the same time.


The fourth month is the beginning of a highly interactive time in an infant's life. Baby will begin to roll, wiggle, squirm and scoot. In addition, his vision and language skills continue to develop, so he's more able to interact with his surroundings. Babycenter says that babies at four months understand the basics of their native language. In addition, Dr. William Sears, author of "The Baby Book," says that a four-month-old baby has mastered binocular vision, so he's easily able to gaze at familiar faces.

Time Frame

During the fourth month, babies usually experience the following developmental changes:

Baby will be able to fix his eyes on a moving target. With this ability, the baby can also fix his eyes on his parents' face and interact with them.

Expect a few new baby poses during the fourth month. Baby should be able to lie on his stomach with his head up, sit propped up and stand supported. Hold your baby in the standing position to see if she can bear her weight for a few seconds.

Expect baby to roll stomach to side.

In addition to drooling, baby might also begin to blow bubbles and make "oh" and "ah" sounds.

The four-month-old may laugh when tickled.

Expect baby to amuse himself with his hands, rattles and other toys.

Considerations: Teething

Around four months, babies may start to feel their teeth coming in. It's possible that they will feel them before parents see them. Look for the following signs that he's teething or about to: drooling, excessive sucking on his fingers or wrist, gumming the nipple while nursing or chomping down on a bottle nipple, and excessive fussiness.


By the beginning of their fourth month, most babies can scoot, wiggle and roll. Never leave a baby unattended on a changing table or unbuckled in an infant seat. Place infant seats only on the floor. Never leave a baby unattended on a couch or bed, as she could roll off.

Expert Insight

Sears says that nearly all parents will, at some point, feel as if their baby isn't doing what others his age are. He says that the age of a developmental milestone isn't as important as the progression of the milestones. Rather than age, focus on the sequence of baby's development.

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